Frequently asked questions
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Where does Jaanam source products from?
It depends on the item. Some of our items, like the feather victory ring, are sourced from a network of fair trade wholesalers that partner directly with individual craftspeople. Others, like xx, are sourced by Jaanam. In both cases, we tell you about the product’s origin story.
How long will it take for me to receive my product?
Unless you receive an out-of-stock e-mail, you should expect to receive your order within five business days in the continental United States and by the quoted timeframe for orders outside the US. If you do receive an out-of-stock e-mail, it will contain detailed instructions on what you can do and how often we will follow-up until your piece of the Silk Road makes its way to you.
Why don’t you sell more earrings?
Each Jaanam listing is the result of an extensive curation process. But, we want to hear from you. Whether you want to see more earrings or something else, write to us at

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